6 months!

Today marks exactly 6 months since I went under the knife.  To be honest, it seems much longer than that because I have accomplished SO MUCH since then and feel 99.9% healed.

Back in August, when I had my one-month follow up with Dr. Leonetti, he told me it takes 5 days for a scar to heal but 6 months for a wound.  I can say that the humungous incision on the side of my head is TOTALLY healed and my Skrillex haircut is growing in nicely.  I can scrub my hair clean, sleep on that side, scratch my growing buzz cut, etc.

2014-01-23 19.53.27

I am also almost working full-time.  Since October 1, I’ve been working at the real estate office in Palatine.  I started out slowly, working 2 days a week for a few hours, and am now up to 4-5 full days!  One of my goals was to build up my stamina, and I think I’ve achieved that!

As far as subbing/teaching goes, I don’t think I’m able to do that any time soon in a full-time capacity.  Teaching is unlike any other job.  It’s hard to understand how demanding teaching elementary-aged kids is unless you’ve actually experienced it.  The half day of subbing second graders was exhausting, so I’ll be slowly easing my way back into that.

Lastly, I feel like I can live day-to-day 100% independently, and I definitely have my social life back.  Loud bars and restaurants are still tricky with hearing, but I am adapting.  I don’t know if that will ever get “easy.”  I’m willing to deal with not hearing people; sometimes it’s a blessing 😉

In other news, Dr. Anderson’s physician assistant Anna called me today wondering if a 27-year- old patient of theirs could call and talk to me.  She was diagnosed with bilateral acoustic neuromas (meaning two, one on each side) and has been putting off her surgery for a while.  I told Anna, no question—of course she can call me!!  I am hoping to hear from this fellow 27-year-old regarding her apprehension and fears of surgery and answer any questions/concerns she may have.  (As you all know, I had a pretty positive experience with this whole thing).

Aside from updating family and friends on my progress, the whole point of this blog was to help people, and I’m hoping I can start out 2014 making a difference.  Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

5 thoughts on “6 months!

  1. Love the topknot! Dr Anderson could uSe you as his PR person or you could become the spokesperson for the acoustic neuroma society. You certainly have the talent.

  2. Kelly, so much healing in six months – so awesome! I know you’ll help this other girl feel more confident about her surgery. I’m sure you know how much it helps to talk with someone who’s been through what you’ve been through. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.

    Happy 6 month anniversary!

    Every day is a gift.

    Love, Aunt Mb

  3. Kelly,
    You truly are an inspiration to everyone u meet. Congrats on your six-month anniversary
    Like an old phrase-
    You’ve come a long way baby to get where you’ve come to today!!!!
    Remember-keep looking forward and never look back.
    Love u,
    Mrs. B.

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